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The Ideal Way to Lose Weight

The ideal way to lose weight requires commitment, discipline, and good planning. Although not easy, ideal body weight is not just a dream. You can do a variety of ways to lose weight, so that your weight becomes healthy and ideal. Basically, weight depends on the intake of calories in and how many calories are used by body activity. Weight does not increase if the amount of calorie intake is balanced with the calories used by the body. Whereas the way to lose weight is to consume fewer calories or increase physical activity to burn more calories. This step is one way to diet naturally without drugs.

Define Goals Clearly

Improving diet and self-discipline is the key to weight loss. Let's learn how the ideal way to lose weight. The first step is to make a weight loss plan with a realistic time span. For example, you target to lose 4 kg for 1-2 months. After successfully achieving these targets, then make the next target. Then, start making an action plan for the plan. For example, you can start reducing the habit of eating sweet cakes. If the type of food is usually consumed every day, then change it to only twice per week. Start by making three change action plans. If it has been reached, you can add it with a few more changes. The point is to make healthier changes that you can apply for later, and not just for the time being. The next step is to pay attention to each food that you consume. If necessary, you can write it in a journal. Write down everything you eat and drink for one week. You can find out more easily whenever you overeat or eat more snacks than usual. Consulting with a nutritionist or doctor will also be easier by using the notebook.

Maintain Meal Time and Choose Foods with Balanced Nutrition

Eating regularly and not skipping meals, such as breakfast, are very important when losing weight. Irregular eating patterns will make you more hungry and tend to overeat. One way to lose weight is to eat the following foods:
  • A variety of fruits and vegetables at least 5 servings a day, or ideally 7-9 servings. You can make it a snack between meals. Fruit is a healthy snack for you.
  • Food sources of carbohydrates, such as bread, rice, cereals, potatoes and pasta as much as one third of the meal portion. The best source of carbohydrates is food made from whole grains (whole grains).
  • Choose low-fat protein sources, such as fish. Eat fish 2-3 times a week. Some types of fish that you can choose include salmon, tuna, tuna, and mackerel. Other protein source food choices are eggs, poultry meat, low-fat dairy products, lean meats, and nuts.
Instead there are several types of foods that you need to limit when losing weight:
  • Meat with fat, cheese, butter, milk, and fried foods. Choose those that have a lower calorie content, such as chicken breast meat or low-fat milk.
  • Fried food. We recommend choosing food that is processed by steaming, boiling, or baking.
  • Salty foods or added salt to food.
  • Chocolate, biscuits, cakes and other sweet foods and drinks.
  • High-fat foods, like ready meals.

Move More Active

Increasing physical activity with regular exercise is one thing that needs to be done in the process of weight loss. This is an important way to lose weight. The type of exercise and the time needed to exercise depends on your age and physical condition. To lose weight, you must at least keep actively burning calories. For those of you who are overweight, you can try the following sports for at least 30 minutes per day:
  • Water aerobics can burn as many as 160 calories.
  • Walk briskly and uphill, burning at least 250 calories.
  • Play with children, around 160 calories.
  • Swim, burn 400 calories.
If you have special health conditions, you should consult a doctor before starting to exercise. Ask for the best advice for the type and portion of time that is right for you.

What is the Ideal Weight Loss every Week?

Getting fast results when losing weight is the hope of many people, but it is not recommended because of the risk of causing health problems. Safe weight loss, which is about 0.5 kg to 1 kg per week. Try not to exceed this range every week. Some health risks to weight loss are too excessive and fast, including fatigue, feeling unwell, experiencing malnutrition, and the appearance of gallstones.

How To Maintain Weight After Successfully Lose It?

Generally, maintaining weight after successfully losing it is not an easy matter. And sometimes, some people often gain weight back even though it has been painstakingly lowered. Here are some ways to maintain ideal body weight after successfully losing it, namely:
  • Keep exercising regularly

  • Exercise is a very important way to keep your weight stable. At least, regularly exercise for 30 minutes every day of the week.
  • Try not to leave breakfast

  • Breakfast is an important factor for maintaining weight. A healthy breakfast can help you avoid overeating during the day.
  • Change lifestyle

  • By implementing a healthy lifestyle, your weight will be more controlled and your body will be healthier, of course. If you have managed to lose weight, do not return to the previous lifestyle that can make weight gain again.
A weight loss plan is very important based on strong motivation. Losing weight can increase body vitality while reducing the risk of diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, ease pain, and improve the ability to move in people with osteoarthritis. The ideal way to lose weight is not to pursue fast and drastic results. For best results, implement healthy, gradual but consistent ways to lose weight. Begin to change your diet to be healthier and increase physical activity by exercising. If you find it difficult, you can consult with your doctor to find ways to lose weight that is right for you.


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